Over the past weeks we have administered 17 565 vaccines bringing our total number of vaccines administered to date to 90 599. Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout the Overberg has been one of the districts with the most registration on EVDS and we are happy to see that our residents are willing to take up the COVID-19 vaccine.
Currently the Overberg District has substantially more vaccines compared to previous weeks, meaning we will be able to allocate more appointments and accommodate more walk-ins. While our Public sites remain operational during the week, our vaccination roving teams will also continue with the vaccination rollout during farm outreaches to ensure that our vulnerable persons staying in outline areas receive their vaccine. We will also be visiting local business to vaccinate staff members and partnering with the Department of Basic Education to vaccinate school children over the age of 18. To reach all our vulnerable communities we will also be vaccinated the homeless and undocumented citizens in the coming weeks.
We encourage those who may be unsure about being vaccinated, to visit our website for accurate information or follow the advice given by their doctor.
We look forward to welcoming everyone over the age of 18 years to our vaccination sites. For more detail on vaccination sites in your area, visit https://coronavirus.westerncape.gov.za/vaccine-dashboard
Although the 18+ age band is now open, the Department remains committed to ensure we prioritize our most vulnerable. Thus, people with comorbidities and older than 35, will be prioritized in the walk-in queues.
We thank everyone who has come forward for vaccination already and ask them to further support us by being vaccine ambassadors. Those who will be going for vaccination, if you know of someone who has not yet been vaccinated, bring them with!
Last published 30 August 2021